Saint Helena News Express

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Day: January 10, 2024

Governance Politics

Ethiopia Reiterates Commitment for Regional Economic Integration

The State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, met today with UN Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa, Hanna Tetteh.

The discussion between the two sides covered issues ranging from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), c…

Governance Politics

Foreign Affairs State Minister Confers with Turkiye’s Ambassador

State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mesganu Arga, met with Turkiye’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Berk Baran, at his office today.

During the occasion, the two sides discussed current affairs, bilateral and multilateral matters of mutual importance, as we…

Business Economy 2024-01-10 00:00:00

The Minister of Agriculture Girma Amente and the Executive Managing Director of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Ismahane Elouafi discussed ways to strengthen collaboration.

During the meeting, the minister highligh…

Business Economy

MPs Visit Main Department of Ethiopia’s Naval ForceNew UNDP Representative Pledges to Accelerate Ethiopia’s Sustainable Dev’t Aspirations

Members of Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing committee at the House of Peoples Representatives have today visited the main department of the Ethiopian Naval Force.

Rear admiral Nassir Aba Diga, the Deputy Commander of Ethiopia’s Naval For…

Business Economy

MPs Visit Main Department of Ethiopia’s Naval Force

Members of Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing committee at the House of Peoples Representatives have today visited the main department of the Ethiopian Naval Force.

Rear admiral Nassir Aba Diga, the Deputy Commander of Ethiopia’s Naval For…

Business Economy

Ethiopia, CGIAR Renew Commitment to Foster Partnership

The Minister of Agriculture Girma Amente and the Executive Managing Director of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Ismahane Elouafi discussed ways to strengthen collaboration.

During the meeting, the minister highligh…

Business Economy

Project Launched to Strengthen Coordination of Partners in Lowland Activities

A project aimed at strategically planning and coordinating resilience activities that strengthen the capacity of stakeholders in lowland areas was launched today.

The Partnership for Lowlands Resilience Activity (PLRA) project is expected to benefit…

Business Economy

New UNDP Representative Pledges to Accelerate Ethiopia’s Sustainable Dev’t Aspirations

Newly appointed United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Resident Representative of Ethiopia, Samuel Gbaydee Doe pledged to exert the utmost effort for a strong and enduring partnership between UNDP and Ethiopia to accelerate the achievement of the …