Saint Helena News Express

Latest Saint Halena News Online

Day: January 28, 2024



KALKRAND: While her friends are playing in the dusty streets of Kalkrand, 12-year-old Benoni !Oxurus is confined to the boundaries of her house and left to play with her minor siblings only, because her lipless face is deemed unsightly.

!Oxurus was n…


First Global Cheetah Summit kicked off in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa: The First Global Cheetah Summit Kicked off in Addis Ababa today to discuss and act-on the plight of the test land animal and the most endangered of the big cats.

The Summit that brought together a diverse group of international stakehold…


Joy For Seme Residents As The Million Water Project Is Commissioned

Families and communities celebrated a momentous occasion during the commissioning of the Magwako Community Water Project implemented by Water 1st International Organization and Kenya Water for Health Organization (KWAHO) in Seme Sub-County, Kisumu.


Ethiopia’s Success to Transform Agricultural Sector Source of Inspiration for Africa: FAO DG

Addis Ababa: The achievements registered by the government of Ethiopia under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to transform the agricultural sector with a view to become food self-sufficient has been a source of inspiration for Africa, Direc…


Meet Mr. ‘Headmistress ‘ Who Has A Wealth Of Teaching Experience

He became a principal of a girls’ school soon after his graduation as a teacher from Kenyatta University in 1998.

Since then to date, he has been serving his students meals besides teaching English and Literature.

Mr. Clement Nyang’acha chuckles at…


PM Abiy Awarded Prestigious FAO Agricola Medal for His Innovative Solutions in Wheat Self-sufficiency

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been awarded the prestigious the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today at ceremony held in Rome, Italy.

This prestigious award has been given to the prime minister, for his vision, lea…


County Urged To Improve CBD Walkways

Kisii County government has been advised to collaborate with other transport stakeholders to develop and implement policies that support walking infrastructure in Kisii town.

According to a recent study report on Governance Processes in Sustainable …


Ethiopia’s Quest for Access to Sea Very Essential to its Survival, Safeguarding Nat’l Interest: MPs

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s quest for access to sea is very essential to its survival and to safeguarding the national interest of the country, officials of Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee at the House of Peoples Representatives und…


Governor Assures Residents Of Public Participation In Sale Of Nzoia Sugar CompanyGovernment official arrested for alleged misuse of official vehicle

Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka has assured residents that Nzoia Sugar Company would not be sold without public participation.

Lusaka made the remarks while addressing mourners at the funeral of Andrew Wataka, a former teacher at Kibabii Boys High S…


Governor Assures Residents Of Public Participation In Sale Of Nzoia Sugar Company

Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka has assured residents that Nzoia Sugar Company would not be sold without public participation.

Lusaka made the remarks while addressing mourners at the funeral of Andrew Wataka, a former teacher at Kibabii Boys High S…