Saint Helena News Express

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Day: September 17, 2024


ICCASA and CEMIRIDE to establish a continental Alliance of women with disabilities

The Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation for a Sustainable Africa (ICCASA) and the Centre for Minority Rights Development (CEMIRIDE) will on September 18 and 19 host a workshop in Nairobi to establish an Alliance of Women with Disabilities in Climate …


How betting craze is catching up in rural areas

Betting is growing in leaps and bounds in Kenya, embedding itself deeply into the drill of everyday life of thousands of its fans.

A recent study from GeoPoll,(a mobile surveying platform) paints a shocking picture where 83.9 percent of Kenyans have…


CJ Koome calls for Renewed Action to Create a Safe Work Environment for All

Chief Justice (CJ) Martha Koome has called for renewed collective action to achieve a work environment that is free from violence and harassment.

The CJ acknowledged that this responsibility rests not with the courts alone, but also employers, trade…


Judiciaries should forestall and prevent eruption of disputes – CJ Koome

Chief Justice (CJ) Martha Koome has called on Judiciaries to engage more actively with communities to identify and address the root causes of conflict before they escalate to full-blown disputes in order to promote social harmony.

Koome insisted tha…


Resident urged to embrace Maisha Card Initiative

Residents of Busia County have been urged to embrace the government initiative of a new identification cards, maisha card.

Speaking during a public engagement forum at Nang’oma location in Busia Sub County, Busia County Commissioner Mwachaunga Chaun…


Kilifi PWDs protest lack of representation at local assembly

Persons with disability (PWDs) in Kilifi County have decried lack of representation at the County Assembly of Kilifi.

Speaking to journalists in Malindi town, representatives of the PWDs allied to the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party said issu…


Nyamira governor survives second impeachment

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo has survived a second impeachment at the county assembly after Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) failed to attain the voting threshold of two thirds to impeach him.

Twenty-two MCAs voted for governor Nyaribo’s impea…


Man succumbs after a drinking spree

A family in Kiandege village in Leshau Pondo Ward of Ndaragwa Constituency is mourning the loss of their kin after a drinking spree.

It was reported that Eliud Maina aged 43 years died shortly after consuming illicit brew at a local pub.

According …


Jomvu MP promise to solicit Sh800M for construction of access roads

Jomvu Member of Parliament Badi Twalib has assured residents in informal settlements in the constituency of his commitment to lobby for funds to construct access roads.

MP Twalib said during an inspection of roads and drainage works in Owino Uhuru v…

Medical Medical Care

Health care workers get training on breastfeeding best practices

The County Government of Nakuru has embraced a baby-friendly community initiative to promote, protect and support breastfeeding.

Under the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) for healthcare workers 2024 guide from the Ministry of Health, health…