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A Murang’a Based Religious Lobby Calls For Seamless Service Delivery

A lobby group which draws its membership from various religious organisations want the Murang’a county government to endeavour in ensuring efficient service delivery.

Members of the group dubbed Mulika Initiative have pointed out that delivery of some major services in the county have been hindered by challenges which need to be ironed out.

Lauding automation of operations in the health facilities, leaders of the initiative noted some technical issues need to be looked into so as to ensure patients get better services.

The coordinator of the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC) Simon Muiruri observed that the local hospitals need to be equipped with drugs and medical machines to spare locals from seeking services in facilities outside the county.

Speaking during a forum held at St Mary’s catholic cathedral on Friday Muiruri said the county administration led by governor Irungu Kang’ata should commit to deliver all the promises they made to mwananchi.

‘As Mulika initiative our aim is to evaluate w
hat the county government is doing in terms of service delivery. We will offer counsel where needed so that there is seamless service delivery.’ He added.

The faith organizations that make up Mulika Initiative include Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) and Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM).

Chairman of SUPKEM central region Gakere Bakari told county leaders to focus on service delivery and shun continuous politicking.

He pointed out that this is the time for elected leaders to serve their electorate and not to campaign for next elections.

‘Frequent politics will affect service delivery and we urge all leaders to commit to working for mwananchi. Resources should be used prudently for socio economic growth,’ said Bakari.

In a rejoinder, Murang’a deputy governor Stephen Munania who graced the forum said the county administration is working to improve provision of services in all sectors.

He highlighted that various reforms are being implemented
in the health sector to ensure patients don’t suffer to access drugs among other services.

‘We have listened to views from various stakeholders and people of Murang’a. Currently the county government has procured drugs which are being distributed to local hospitals and soon the challenges which have been experienced in the health sector will be things of the past,’ he noted.

He lauded the church for supporting the county administration promising they will be engaging them in formulation of policies aimed to improve livelihoods of Murang’a people.

‘Kang’ata’s administration is open to get views from all stakeholders including the church. We will partner with the catholic, Muslim community and churches allied to NCCK to ensure all what we do is guided by the majority views,’ added Munania.

Source: Kenya News Agency