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African Governments Need to Create Political Space for Engaging Youths: AU Youth EnvoyKisumu To Install 2, 500 CCTV Cameras To Enhance Security And Transport Mobility

African Union Special Envoy on Youth, Chido Mpemba, urged African governments to widen political space for participation of the youth.

Speaking to ENA, the special envoy noted that Africa has promising opportunities as most of its population is youth.

Engaging this productive section of society in the political, economic and social spheres on the continent at the expected level could play pivotal role to ensure sustainable development and benefits of the people, she said.

Noting that attempts to seize power by force and conflicts in Africa and attendant problems causing harms on youths and countries, she urged to change this course of political engagement and nurture democracy.

To this effect, engaging youths in political process, building their capacity and putting in place new perspectives to address backward practices are essential, she emphasized.

To realize the Africa we aspire in 2063, African governments are expected to engage and exploit the potentials of the youth in all fields and meet continen
tal aspirations, Mpemba stressed.

The African Youth Charter adopted by the AU’s seventh ordinary summit in Banjul, Gambia in July 2006 stipulates that Africa’s biggest asset is its young population.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Kisumu City has announced plans to install 2, 500 CCTV cameras to enhance surveillance and contain runaway crime.

A geospatial plan for the project has identified locations for the installation which also targets to track transport mobility in the lakeside city.

City Manager Abala Wanga said currently, the city which is the third largest in the country has no CCTV cameras and heavily relied on those installed on private buildings by the business community.

This, he said, was not effective in monitoring activities in the city whose population has grown tenfold.

The cameras, to be mounted in the city, estates, and strategic points in rural areas, shall be interfaced with street lights to ensure clear monitoring from one point to another.

‘We want when somebody has committed a crime on a street in the CBD for example, he is monitored to his destination,’ he said.

This, he added, shall also apply to motor vehicles, public service vehicles boda boda, and tuk tuks to ensure the city remained safe.

He said al
l boda boda operators were going to be registered with the two-wheelers fitted with GPS devices to track their movement.

The initiative, to be rolled out under the urban resilience mass transport initiative through the World Bank-funded Kisumu Urban Project (KUP), was in response to a spike in the number of criminal activities associated with the operators, he said.

‘Anywhere there is a crime or robbery incident you will always find a boda boda person there. That is why we want them registered with GPIS so that we can monitor them through the system and the CCTV cameras,’ he said.

Wanga disclosed that the city management has issued new directives rerouting public transport adding that the CCTV cameras would help to track non-compliant operators.

Under the new directive, vehicles coming from Busia and Bondo will take a detour at the Paramount area and come to Mamba before heading to the main bus park through Ondiek Road while town service vehicles will drop passengers at Patel roundabout and will not be al
lowed to the CBD, he said.

‘Vehicles coming through Mombasa road will drop passengers at the interchange to ensure that the highway remains clear for transiting vehicles,’ Wanga stipulated.

All bus companies have been allocated space at the new Mowlen stage and will not be allowed to have offices within the CBD, he added.

‘I am asking all the bus operators to comply with this directive failure to which their vehicles shall be clumped starting tomorrow,’ he said.

Illegal bus parks at petrol stations, Kisumu Boys, Kisumu Girls, Aga Khan, and Kamas areas have been outlawed, he warned.

Source: Kenya News Agency