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Burkina/Thesis: Jean-Baptiste Ky explores an optimal model of electricity production

Ouagadougou: The President of the Energy Sector Regulatory Authority (ARSE), Jean-Baptiste Ky, defended, on Friday August 9, 2024 at Norbert Zongo University, his thesis of doctorate in applied physics, energy option, exploring a hybrid model of electricity production optimized with liquefied natural gas applicable in the national electricity system.

It is through the theme: ‘Study of a hybrid model of electricity production optimized with liquefied natural gas (LNG) integrated into the electricity system of Burkina Faso: efficiency and impact on the energy mix’, that the applicant Jean-Baptiste Ky, defended his thesis on Friday August 9, 2024 at the doctoral school of Norbert Zongo University.

According to Jean-Baptiste Ky, the desired objective was to propose an optimal hybrid model of electricity production combining LNG thermal production and photovoltaic production in order to provide an adequate response for the supply of our country with sufficient coverage. , stable, less polluting and less costly i
n the long term.

The thesis was carried out under the supervision of Professor Frédéric Ouattara, Professor of Physics, head of the Laboratory of Applied Chemistry, Special Physics and Energy at Norbert Zongo University.

The defense jury, chaired by Professor Zakaria Koalaga, Professor of Physics at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, judged his research work worthy of the degree of Doctor in applied physics, energy option.

The new doctor of applied physics who brilliantly defended his thesis, obtained the very honorable mention with the congratulations of a jury of energy scientists.

Source: Burkina Information Agency