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Catholic Church Does Not Approve Of Same Sex UnionHomabay Healthcare Workers Issue Seven Days’ Notice To Employer

The Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan archbishop Hubertus van Megen has said that the Catholic church does not approve of same sex union.

He said the recent declaration by the pope calling on priests to bless same sex unions does not in any way mean that the church approves of such unions but was meant to bring such people closer to God and in the process help them overcome their sin.

Speaking at the Eldoret Sacred Heart cathedral when he presided over the ordination of eight deacons, the archbishop said the blessings was meant for the individual persons but not a blessing of the relationship which he said was against the Christian teaching.

Bishop Dominic Kimengich of the Eldoret catholic diocese said the church recognizes that marriage is between a man and woman for life and therefore the declaration by the holy father does not in any way open doors for approval for same sex unions.

Bishop Kimengich who accompanied the nuncio said that in fact in the African context, it should not be called a b
lessing but a prayer for such people living in such unions which he termed as sinful to change.

During his homily the Nuncio cautioned the clergy against aligning themselves with politicians saying this has led to the church being used by both the clergy and the politicians for their own individual achievements.

He said once the clergy align themselves with politicians they lose their freedom to the politicians who now become their masters.

He therefore called on the newly ordained deacons to emulate Christ who was born in the most humble of places and strive to give a helping hand to the poor and the downtrodden.

The archbishop said the wise men went to Herod thinking that Jesus would be born at the king’s palace only to learn that the true king was found not with the powers that be but among the downtrodden and urged the deacons to emulate them by seeking Christ among the poor.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Health care workers in Homa Bay have threatened to down their tools if the County Government fails to solve issues that affect them.

They have decried the fact that despite tabling their grievances to their employer, nothing has been done and have therefore given a 7-day ultimatum before they go on strike.

Grievances which they demanded to be resolved include salary delays, non-confirmation of employment, withdrawal of some members from the payroll without notice and stagnation among other pertinent issues.

The healthcare workers and union officials are drawn from different cadres within the county health department including the Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN), Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO), Kenya Union of Nutritionists and Dieticians (KUND), Kenya National Union for Medical Laboratory Officers (KNULO), Union of Health Records and Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) representing doctors.

Speaking on Saturday, the unionists said that some health care workers
were withdrawn from the payroll last year August without prior notice and have not been reinstated back into the system.

Led by KNUN branch Secretary Emerdick Otieno, they also pointed out that some of them have stagnated in one job group for almost 10 years.

‘The county government deemed it fit to remove them from the payroll and notify them one month after. In fact, the notice stopping their salaries came in August which is against labor laws,’ he said and demanded for their immediate reinstatement.

The KNUN Secretary added that the county should further clear the arrears for the months the employees went without their salaries.

He also lamented stagnation in one job group which he claimed is demoralizing them in dispensing their duties.

Otieno urged the County Government to promote healthcare workers who have stagnated in one job group for over three years, in accordance with Human Resource guidelines.

‘We want to tell the county government that promotion is a motivational factor and hence we want ou
r members to be promoted as they deserve,’ said Otieno.

On the other hand, KMPDU County Liaison Officer Dr Ochieng Otana expressed the union’s dissatisfaction with the way Human Resource issues are handled within the health department citing chronic salary delays.

‘Some members were employed by the county for some time now but have not been confirmed yet. They have not been issued with letters of confirmation which means there are some benefits that they are missing out on,’ he said.

Otana said the issues raised affect not only their morale but service delivery and called for a satisfactory resolution soonest.

The issues we have raised require urgent intervention by the county government. If we do not get a satisfactory resolution then we are going to call on our members to down their tools until such a time when our demands are met,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency