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Christ’s death brings joy to Christians – Cat. Offei

Catechist (Cat.) Alexander Offei of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG), Ramseyer Congregation at Baakokrom in Koforidua has said the death of Jesus Christ brought joy to Christians instead of sorrow.

He said over two millennia ago, the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ brought sorrow to Believers, however, today His death has become a good day for humanity.

Cat. Offei was preaching to congregants of the PCG – Ramseyer Congregation on the theme; Dying With The Lord, during the Good Friday celebration.

He said the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ was an invitation to all humanity to share in His death and the benefit it brought.

‘Our acceptance of this invitation means that we die to this world and its sins and live in the strength of the resurrected Christ’, he stated.

Dying with Jesus Christ, he noted was not for Believers to physically kill themselves but to let go of all things which caused them to sin against God.

Again, he noted that the death of Jesus Christ which brought Christians forgiveness, redemption and reconciliation did not permit Christians to continue to sin.

‘It does not mean that Christ has paid it all by His death, so we can continue to live the sinful way, No’, he said.

Cat. Offei, therefore, advised Christians to take advantage of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made to live an upright life to obtain the full benefit of the death of Christ.

Source: Ghana News Agency