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County Assembly To Set Aside Funds To Nurture Talent

The County Assembly of Kirinyaga will set aside funds toward talent identification, acquisition and development in all wards.

This was revealed by the County speaker Muteti Murimi during a talent search event at Tebere secondary school organized by Gathigiriri Member of County Assembly Benson Ngahu.

The event-themed ‘Jivunie Talanta’ provides a stage to sensitize youths in drug and substance abuse.

The speaker noted that talent nowadays is an investment which if managed well can be a source of living to many youths. He challenged the participants to approach everything with a positive state of mind and work hard to achieve their goals.

‘It’s my humble call to the youth to be responsible for their lives despite the challenges they are facing. Nothing is permanent in life so when you face a challenge, have a positive mentality and don’t be shy to share with a friend, but do not get tempted to get into using drugs, always be sober,’ he said

Murimi added that apart from passing relevant policies that will p
rovide an enabling environment for youths to thrive, the county will pass a budget and set aside funds for empowerment.

‘We are here to use talent in sensitizing our youths in Kirinyaga on drug abuse. Talent is currently a source of living for many youths and in order to boost them, we will be legislating policies and allocating funds that will provide them with an enabling environment,’ Murimi noted.

Daniel Muriithi, the leader of the majority in the county assembly, urged talented youths to come out, practice, and take advantage of opportunities and resources provided by national and county governments. He warned them against drug abuse as it is a major cause of mental health issues in the county.

‘All youths with talents should come out and take advantage of opportunities and resources provided by both levels of government. The major cause of mental health issues in our county is drug abuse and we call upon youths to refrain from any peer group that may lead them into such activities,’ Muriithi said.

enson Ngahu, the host MCA in Gathigiriri, said he chose to organize the event away from common football tournaments as it incorporates all youths from different disciplines and specializations.

Among the areas covered during the talent search that attracted over 300 participants were comedy, art, dancing, poetry, and modeling.

Ngahu pointed out that the effects of gambling and betting are very severe and called for more control measures to be instituted to curb the habit.

‘Betting and gambling are problems that need to be controlled,’ he said.

Nominated MCA representing youth Bosco Gichangi, said they are lobbying for Sh 30 million allocation in the county budget which will be distributed to all wards in the county to cater for talent identification and development.

Source: Kenya News Agency