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CS Kindiki Says No To Violence As Talks Begin

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki has cautioned Azimio politicians against acts of violence even as the national talks go on between the government and the opposition.

Kindiki said violence should never be an option in case the two teams disagree on any issue during the talks that begins Monday.

Kindiki who spoke Sunday during a church service at Nyeri’s New Life Church said security agencies will not allow destruction of property as witnessed during recent opposition protests that degenerated into riots in some parts of the country.

‘The peace and tranquility of our county is a singular and collective responsibility for all citizens, their political, and religious or community differences notwithstanding,’ stated Kindiki.

He added, ‘We, as a Ministry, want to say that we welcome dialogue but let nobody threaten the security of this nation. We will deal with them firmly and ruthlessly to protect Kenyans’ properties.

Kindiki said politicians must learn to respect election outcomes and desist from unleashing terror to advance selfish interest. ‘I want to assure Kenyans that never again in this country will we allow violence to be on the equation of dialogue,’ he said.

The CS also called on Kenyans to support President William Ruto in raising the country’s own revenue to avoid debts saying, ‘The 3rd president of Kenya Mzee Mwai Kibaki demonstrated that our country has the capacity to develop and grow its economy without having to rely on the taxes of other countries.

He added that Kenyans must support the President in rebuilding the country’s economy through revenue collection, prudent management of resources and investing in policies and development of projects that will spur economic growth from the grassroot and create opportunities to millions of many people especially the youth.

Source: Kenya News Agency