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CS Owalo Calls For Ownership Of The Medium Term Plan

Cabinet Secretary for information, Communications and The Digital economy, Eliud Owalo has called on Kenyans to own the Medium Term Plan document for ease of implementation.

According to Owalo, ownership of any development plan is a critical process which stakeholders have to embrace for it to be executed effectively.

He was speaking at a Siaya hotel when he presided over the Siaya county dissemination forum for the Medium Term Plan (MTP IV).

The CS called on the stakeholders to read and understand the contents of the MTP IV and be its advocates.

Owalo called for close collaboration between the county and national governments for the country to realize its development goals.

He at the same time announced that the government, through his ministry, will roll out 100,000 kilometres of fibre optic within the next two years as part of the strategy to take internet services closer to the public.

The CS said that already, the government has mapped all areas where fibre services are to be rolled out, adding tha
t it will leverage the existing Kenya Power infrastructure.

‘We are changing the model. As opposed to digging trenches to roll out fibre connectivity, we are leveraging the existing power lines,’ he said adding; ‘The net effect is that everywhere with power line will have a fibre line.’

Owalo said that his ministry has already signed a cooperation agreement with Kenya Power over the same and implementation of the exercise is expected to begin within a month.

The dissemination forum was also attended by Siaya county commissioner, Nobert Komora, county and national government officials and civil society representatives from Siaya.

Source: Kenya News Agency