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Ethiopia Effected Tangible Changes in Climate Change, Says Planning and Dev’t State Minister

Ethiopia has been able to respond to the impact of climate change and bring about tangible change through the policies and strategies it has implemented, Planning and Development State Minister Tirumar Abate.

The ministry held today a panel discussion on the contribution of the Green Legacy Initiative to the economic growth and development of the country in connection with the launching of this year’s planting program.

In her opening remark, Planning and Development State Minister Tirumar Abate said Ethiopia has been able to bring tangible change through the policies and strategies it has implemented to respond to the impact of climate change.

Through the efforts to respond to the ever-increasing effect of climate change by formulating policies, strategies, long-term plans and organizing institutions, the government has brought about tangible change, she added.

So far, over 25 billion saplings have been planted by involving the community in the initiative and efforts are being made to expand the program to neighboring countries.

At the same time, Ethiopia is sharing its experiences in various international forums and is working with international institutions to share its experience.

Tirumar further noted that Ethiopia has launched its Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) that is aimed to help the government to pursue a green growth pathway by keeping its carbon emissions target to net-zero by 2050 entailing an increased climate resilience and delivery of multiple economic and social benefits.

According to her, dealing with climate change will be the main focus of the Ten-Year Development Plan, and there is a real change in the Green Legacy Initiative and other policies and strategies that are of great benefit in preventing the impact of climate change.”

Environment Protection Authority Director-General, Getahun Garedew said on his part that the initiative is saving the damage caused to the environment by improper use of natural resources in the past years.

“Ethiopia is implementing policies and strategies that ensure the sustainability of environmental issues. The main environmental problems of the country are land degradation, deforestation and climate change. The government is working to solve these problems.”

He pointed out that the initiative has contributed to increase the country’s forest coverage, storage of underground water resources and reduce greenhouse gases and creating a healthy environment.

Climate Change Researcher at Addis Ababa University, Zewdu Eshetu said 25 billion trees or 10 million hectares have been covered up to now and they have sequestered 78 million cubic meter carbon. If we multiply this even by 5 dollars, it means that we have generated carbon finance that can already cost 380 million USD.

Meanwhile, employees of Ministry of Planning and Development as well as pertinent organizations and partners have planted tree seedlings in the premises of the ministry.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency