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Ethiopia Gives Practical Response To Climate Change By Linking Env’t Protection Efforts With Food Security

Ethiopia is providing a practical response to mitigate the challenges of climate change by linking environmental protection efforts with food security, Minister of Planning and Development, Fistum Assefa said.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed participated in the United Nations Food System Summit being held in Rome, Italy.

In his remark at the summit, the Prime minister stated that Ethiopia has been actively implementing numerous initiatives including the Green Legacy Initiative with the overarching goals of enhancing agricultural resilience, ensuring food self-sufficiency, and combating climate change.

Minister of Planning and Development Fistum Assefa elaborated that climate change is one of the biggest challenges in the world in ensuring food system and food security.

The bold efforts taken by Ethiopia in this regard are exemplary, she said mentioning the works done under the Green Legacy Initiative over the past four years.

Moreover, the Minister pointed out that the initiative has a great contribution in creating a favorable environment for agriculture by protecting soil and water.

In addition to planting trees, Ethiopia’s efforts to ensure food security by planting fruit seedlings on a large scale is exemplary for others, Fistum added.

To this end, Ethiopia has become the leading avocado producer in Africa.

On other hand, she stated that Ethiopia showed a strong position and shared its best experiences at the United Nations Food System Summit.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in his remark to the summit on Monday underlined the need for practical decision in order to avert the danger that the world food system is currently facing, she added.

COVID-19 coupled with other man mad and natural problems exacerbated the challenges; he pointed out stressing the need for better investment in the food system in order to tackle the challenges.

The high-level meeting being underway in Rome aims to create a conducive space for countries to review the progress on their commitments made at the first Food Systems Summit in 2021, and identify successes, enduring bottlenecks and establishing priorities.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency