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Ganzourgou/Education: The commune of Zorgho celebrates excellence in primary school

Ouagadougou: the municipality of Zorgho held the first edition of the Municipal Day of Excellence in primary schools, organized by the Municipal Coordination of School Management Committees (CCC) of Zorgho .

This event, sponsored by the special advisor to the President of Faso, Mr. Isidore Tiemtoré, and co-sponsored by the program manager of the NGO Living Goods for Burkina, Mr. Luc Noundia Kaboré, rewarded the best actors in education primary.

The rewards distributed included 10 bicycles, school kits consisting of bags, notebooks and pens, as well as cash bonuses. The five best girls and the five best boys in the commune’s CEP each received a bicycle, a school kit and 5,000 F CFA, with an additional 10,000 F CFA and a grant of 25,000 F CFA for the first girl. Each of the five best teachers from the CEB received a bag and 15,000 CFA francs. The five best schools were also awarded 20,000 CFA francs each.

With an average of 9.47 out of 10, Kaboré W. Ornella is the best girl student in the CEP of the CEB. She
expressed her pride for the prizes received and thanked all those who supported her, particularly her teachers and parents so that she could obtain these results.

The president of the organizing committee, Toukoumnogo Kaboré, expressed his gratitude to all those who supported this initiative. He particularly thanked the sponsor and looked forward to the next edition.

Raogo Jean Claude Ouédraogo, Head of the Basic Education District of Zorgho, praised the dynamism of the Communal Coordination of COGES (CCC). Thanks to their action, a municipal mock exam was organized, thus supporting teachers and contributing to a success rate of 83.28% for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP). Mr. Ouédraogo congratulated teachers, parents and students for their efforts and encouraged them to continue this momentum.

The sponsor of the event, Mr. Isidore Tiemtoré, stressed that excellence is a permanent quest, not only in education, but also in all fields of activity. He expressed his pride in sponsoring this initiative
which promotes quality education and encouraged education stakeholders to maintain their efforts.

‘This celebration honors all the players who put in the work to achieve good results. I urge you to make perfection your credo, because he who seeks perfection obtains excellence,’ he said.

Valentin Badolo, president of the ceremony and president of the special Zorgho delegation, expressed his satisfaction with the CCC initiative. He thanked all stakeholders for their commitment and insisted on the importance of maintaining and even surpassing the results obtained this year. ‘Like the municipalities which preceded us, we considered it necessary to organize this day to recognize the merit of teachers and students. With a little, we can do a lot,’ he said.

Luc Noundia Kaboré, co-sponsor of the event, said his participation was motivated by recognition of the children’s efforts and performances. He encouraged all stakeholders to fully play their role to improve school performance.

This first edition of the Commu
nal Day of Excellence in primary schools in Zorgho marks an important step towards the recognition and promotion of excellence in education. Stakeholders in the educational world of Ganzourgou province hope that this initiative will continue and strengthen in the years to come, with the support of all partners and the mobilization of the entire community.

Source: Burkina Information Agency