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Governor Ntutu’s Caution Over Heavy Rains

Narok County Governor Patrick Ntutu has issued an alert to residents and motorists to exercise caution in their daily activities due to heavy downpours.

In a press release to the media houses, Governor Ntutu said several seasonal rivers were filled to the bank warning residents against crossing any swollen river or seeking shelter under trees during this rainy season.

‘Several seasonal rivers such as Noonkopit River in Nkareta ward, which joins Kaetoni River at Katakala Bridge along the Narok- Bomet highway have overflowed. Motorists plying this route should be careful when they approach this area,’ he said.

Flood-prone areas in Narok town, such as Kumi kumi junction, are advised to relocate to safer grounds during rainy seasons to prevent loss of lives and property. This comes at a time when a family of four was swept by mudslide at Ololulunga area, and an elderly man was swept by the water while trying to cross the Eramatishoreki Bridge in Narok East Sub County.

The governor extended his condolences mes
sage to the families that had lost their loved ones and prayed that God would comfort their families. He said the county emergency response systems had been activated and emphasized the need to contact the county emergency response team when in dispute, through the toll-free number 0800722984 or email at

The Meteorological department has predicted heavy downpour in the county in the next five days, hence the reason for every person to take caution to avert life and property loss.

Narok County Commissioner Kipkech Lotiatia asked village elders and chiefs to help in identifying people living in dangerous places and help them vacate to safer grounds. ‘We do not want to lose any other life in this rainy season. I request everyone to take caution as many seasonal rivers are filled to capacity,’ he reiterated.

Source: Kenya News Agency