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Gov’t, Private Sector Cooperation Crucial to Realize Ethiopia’s Digital Transformation

Working with the spirit of cooperation among the government and the private sector is instrumental to realize Ethiopia’s digital transformation and sustainable development ambitions, according to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.

Opening a half-day conference to discuss on the importance of strengthening cooperation with the private sector in ICT and digital sector, Minister of Innovation and Technology Belete Molla said working with the spirit of cooperation, utilizing new mechanisms and creating conducive conditions are essential to realize Ethiopia’s digital transformation and sustainable development.

Guided by the country’s development plan for 2021-2030, Ethiopia launched its digital transformation strategy 2025 in 2020.

For the minister, to bring concrete change in ICT and digital economy, Ethiopian digital strategy 2025 is under implementation by all stakeholders as the strategy is crucial to realize the country’s ambition by involving the private sector as the main player.

The cooperati
on between the government and the private industry has to be further enhanced to play a crucial role in empowering Ethiopia’s digital economy, the minister further elaborated.

Noting that the cooperation will be vital to providing training programs and knowledge sharing among others in a collaborative manner, he said today’s meeting aimed to exchange ideas for identifying challenges faced in the ICT and digital sector and generating solutions.

Ethiopia is yet to realize its potential in the digital space and leverage technology to build a more prosperous society.

Ethiopia’s 2025 Digital Strategy includes five priorities: implementation of a digital ID, digital payments, e-governance, e-commerce and cybersecurity.

It is complemented by more specific strategies, such as the National Financial Inclusion Strategy and the National Bank of Ethiopia’s National Digital Payments Strategy, which aim to transform the payment ecosystem and support the building of a cash-lite and financially inclusive economy.

ce: Ethiopian News Agency