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Kawana hands over Namasira charge office

Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security Albert Kawana officially handed over the Namasira Police Post charge office in the Kavango West Region on Thursday.

In his remarks during the handover, Kawana said the charge office has been in existence since 2020, providing policing services to the community and visitors alike.

“I am delighted that we are back here once again following my visit for the inauguration of the Namasira police barracks, which were destroyed by a storm,” he said.

The minister said the facility will ensure that policing services such as crime prevention and investigations are brought closer to the people.

Kawana said he has high expectations that the Kavango West police will continue to be organised and focused on accomplishing the basic mission of the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) by embracing a community-based and solution-oriented policing strategy.

“I am pleased to further note that NamPol, with the assistance of central government, continues to make great strides in respect of infrastructure development for police officers, especially those working in remote areas,” he said.

Government’s long term goal is that by the year 2030, Namibia should have adequate facilities, such as state-of-the-art police stations, barracks, office accommodation and police training centres, he said.

The charge office consists of two offices, an armoury room, and recreational area with seating.

The site was handed over to the contractor on 26 May 2023 and completed on 14 July 2023 at a cost of N.dollars 1 million.

Meanwhile, the minister said he is aware that stock theft is one of the most prevalent crimes in the area and thus called on the inspector general to station police officers who are able to investigate crimes in stock theft at the charge office.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency