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Léraba: International Youth Day celebrated in Kankalaba

Ouagadougou: The High Commissioner of Léraba province, Mahamadi Congo, chaired, on Saturday August 17, 2024, the delayed ceremony of International Youth Day in the rural commune of Kankalaba.

As a prelude to Burkina Faso’s subscription to resolution A/RES/54/120, adopted in 1998 in Lisbon for young people, the provincial directorate in charge of Youth organized the International Youth Day on Saturday, August 17, 2024. youth (JIJ).

It was placed under the theme: ‘Youth, citizen monitoring and the fight against insecurity in Burkina Faso’.

‘The day aims to encourage citizen monitoring and the contribution of young people to the fight against insecurity and the promotion of social cohesion and living together in the province of Léraba,’ underlined the provincial director in in charge of the Youth of Léraba, Adama Konfé.

Participants followed a conference on the theme, in the local language, including

tree planting, an aerobics session and a visit to the exhibition and sale of local productions.

According t
o the high commissioner of the province of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo, the provincial celebration of the JIJ is intended to be rotating in the province in relation to the choice made on Kankalaba, a rural commune located 16.8 km west of the commune urban area of ??Sindou.

For the president of Kankalaba youth, Dramane Traoré, the ceremony is proof that young people are indeed taken into account in the country’s development process.

Mahamadi Congo thanked the goodwill who contributed to making the celebration a reality.

He called on young people to unite around Burkina Faso’s development objectives.

While receiving the torch, the president of the special delegation from the rural commune of Ouéléni, Salif Sandwidi, made the commitment to succeed in the ceremony in 2025.

Source: Burkina Information Agency