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Makarau sworn in as Acting Judge of the Supreme Court

Lady Justice Rita Makarau was sworn in as Acting Judge of the Supreme Court by Chief Justice Peter Shivute on Wednesday, making her the third female judge on the Supreme Court Bench.

Shivute during the swearing-in ceremony said it is crucial that the judiciary and courts reflect the demographic diversity of the Namibian nation, and concrete measures have been taken to increase female representation on the Supreme Court Bench.

The Chief Justice said Makarau hails from neighbouring Zimbabwe, where she served as a judge of the constitutional court. He said it is not the first time that Namibia’s judiciary has sought expertise from elsewhere in the region to fulfil its mandate.

“Our past experiences have shown that the service of judicial officers from our neighbouring countries and beyond has greatly enriched our jurisdiction and enhanced the work of our courts,” Shivute noted.

He further expressed his confidence that the outcome of Makarau’s service on the bench will be no different, as her extensive judicial experience will greatly benefit the court.

“In the same vein, I must also thank the judiciary of Zimbabwe for releasing you to come and serve our nation. There is no doubt that this act is done in the spirit of cooperation and good neighbourliness between our countries,” Shivute said.

The Supreme Court also recently welcomed Lady Justice Hannelie Prinsloo and Lady Justice Esi Schimming-Chase to serve as Acting Judges of the Supreme Court.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency