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Business Economy

Members of Second Generation Ethiopian Diaspora Promise to Contribute to Dev’t of NationBanking Sector On A Steady Growth Rate In Mombasa

Addis Ababa: Members of the second generation Ethiopian Diaspora have pledged to contribute to development beyond knowing the culture and history of their country.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed held yesterday an Iftar program for the second generation members of the diaspora currently in Ethiopia.

Members of the second generation diaspora who were born in different Arab countries and also others that came to spend Ramadan at home participated in the Iftar program.

Members of diaspora approached by the Ethiopian News Agency stated that the Iftar program showed the solidarity of Ethiopians.

They added that they have realized the rapid development of Ethiopia beyond knowing the history and culture of their country.

Abdela Ibrahim from Saudi Arabia said that the Iftar program gave him the opportunity to get to know members of the second generation Ethiopian diaspora from different parts of the world.

According to him, since most of the development works in Ethiopia take the youth into consideration members of t
he second generation should actively participate in development.

Hanan Awol, who was born and raised in Saudi Arabia but now settled in Ethiopia, stated that the development works being carried out in Ethiopia transcend the present generation and are focused on the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate in the works underway in order to change the country, she noted.

Saladin Abdu, who came from Canada to spend the fasting month of Ramadan, said that he was able to realize the disparity between the misinformation spread on social media and the reality on the ground.

He advised members of the second generation diaspora living in different countries to come and see the current changes in the country.

Faris Ali, who was born and raised in Yemen, said Ethiopia has business and tourism potential suitable for the diaspora that have to exploit the potential.

Hudeten Salih and Hanan Awol, who were born and raised in Saudi Arabia, revealed on their part that they are promoting Ethiopia’s history, culture
and development potential in the Arabic language by using social media.

Foreign Affairs State Minister Birtukan Ayano said on her part that many members of the second generation diaspora have come to their homeland following the call of PM Abiy Ahmed.

She said the call would be implemented in three rounds, and the second chapter is under execution.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

The banking sector is shaping up progressively in Mombasa with the entry of new franchises sprouting across the Port City.

This is a testament to the sustained investor confidence the Port City has developed, attracting new and established institutions to set up thriving businesses.

Speaking during the launch of the fourth Premium Bank branch in Nyali, the bank’s Head of Business Yayha Dahir said that Mombasa’s significance to the sector could not be overlooked due to many important factors as it was the gateway to the East African region.

Dahir added that key financial players in the industry were developing tailored specific banking solutions and morphing into technology to keep up to speed with the fast-changing global dynamics.

As such, Dahir noted that financial institutions created a niche. In Mombasa’s case, priority areas such as the blue economy were some sectors the bank earmarked to delve into to provide sustainable solutions.

‘The blue economy is a strategic area for the government and as a b
ank, we will be providing the requisite financial solutions to assist in the growth of the sector especially from a microfinance perspective,’ said Dahir.

He went on: ‘Incentivized business modules will go a long way in inculcating smart investments and a saving culture,’ added Dahir.

On his part, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) Mombasa Chapter Chairperson Abud Jamal said that deliberate steps by the government and the private sector to streamline the business environment in Mombasa were gradually paying off.

Jamal said that investor confidence was the key to any region’s financial prosperity and the setting up of such critical institutions would revitalize the County’s economic prospects.

‘Increased investments such as setting up of key financial institutions means more capital flow in our County and a flourishing economy,’ said Jamal.

Source: Kenya News Agency