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Nakuru County Pilots School Feeding ProgramNantu empowering unemployed teachers with job search assistance

Nakuru County Government has started a pilot school feeding program in Njoro sub-county as they prepare for implementation all over the county, with the aim of improving children’s concentration levels while in class.

Launching the exercise today, County Executive Committee Member for Education Ms. Zipporah Wambui said that this is a collective effort and every stakeholder is important to ensure success of the program in the County as per Governor Susan Kihika Manifesto.

She said the aim of the pilot program was to include and inform key stakeholders on the upcoming School Feeding Program, among them parents, ECDE teachers, KEPSHA, KNUT, Ministry of Education, NGAO, Public Health, MCAs among others stakeholders in order to instill a sense of ownership of the program among the surrounding communities.

A number of residents who participated in the forum, noted that the county sponsored feeding program would not only retain more children in school, but it would reduce the burden of parents who have been contr
ibuting money monthly for their children to be given lunch at school. However, those whose parents aren’t capable of paying are left out, hence leading to inequity at schools.

Over the years UNICEF has promoted the importance of school feeding programs in developing countries, through grants and support from other NGOs. However, more often than not, whenever the donors leave, the programme slowly fizzles out.

Nutritionists have always emphasized the importance of balanced diets for growing children for their physical and mental development, which has a positive impact on their capacity to comprehend what they are taught in school.

The first School Feeding Program in the country was started in the then central province and parts of Nairobi in 1967. It expanded between 1970 and 1978 to serve children in the arid regions according to the two National Development plans ending in 1978.

However, the most celebrated, memorable, and creditable, is the Nyayo milk scheme, which to date is lauded to have had a posit
ive effect on education and contributed to increased enrolment and retention of pupils at the primary school levels.

A parent from Molo, Julius Mwaniki who attended the forum, said St. Mary’s primary in the sub county has had the longest school feeding program which was initiated by a retired innovative headmaster, remembered to date, who managed to convince the parents of the importance of contributing money for their children’s school lunch.

Mwaniki recalled with nostalgia the good performance of the primary school in the 1970s and 80s, when it was considered a role model, and it produced the most notable professionals from Molo.

Source: Kenya News Agency

The Namibia National Teachers Union (Nantu) has called on unemployed teachers to register with their regional offices for assistance in finding employment and developing valuable skills.

Nantu secretary general, Loide Shaanika in an interview on Wednesday highlighted the union’s commitment to supporting teachers in finding employment, amongst others through coaching in how to conduct themselves during job interviews.

‘Many unemployed teachers have neglected our office, which has limited their chances of employment. In the past, teachers who have registered themselves with the organisation have successfully gotten employment,’ she said.

Shaanika said by registering, they can access guidance and resources to improve their job prospects as Nantu offers psychological and social support to members.

‘Unemployed teachers go through a lot when they are looking for jobs so we try to encourage them and teach them modern skills, especially for the fourth industrial revolution which is the future,’ said the secretary

She also urged teachers to understand where the world is going and to educate and mentor learners on career development.

‘The world is moving forward and as teachers, we need to put a lot of emphasis on career development so we can shape a good future for our learners,’ Shaanika said.

She said with emphasis on career development can help to reduce unemployment in future.

‘Learners will be mentored on careers that can help them secure employment instead of career choices that will leave them on the streets,’ said Shaanika.

Shaanika also said that they are planning on advising the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture on the school curriculum so it can incorporate more training opportunities that are relevant to the modern era.

‘We want to advise the government to develop more vocational training centres because vocational training is the future,’ said Shaanika.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency