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Nation’s Multilateral Diplomacy Winning Acceptance in Int’l Relations: AmbassadorsFrederick urges ||Kharas Regional Council staff to be punctual and productive

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s multilateral diplomacy has been earning the country significant achievements in international relations, according to the country’s ambassadors who are currently in Addis Ababa for the annual ministerial meeting.

Ethiopia’s Ambassador to UK, Teferi Meles told ENA that Ethiopia has been pursuing foreign relations and diplomatic activities that befit its long history of diplomacy.

The country, which is a founder of the League of Nations, the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity, has been actively participating in the multilateral organizations, he added.

‘Ethiopia’s foreign relations and diplomatic activities across the ages have shown its significant place in the field of diplomacy through its participation in the multilateral sphere,’ he noted.

Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Algeria, Nebiat Getachew said Ethiopia has participated as a member or founder of all the international institutions and organizations that we know today.

And the unique Diplomacy Week organized by t
he Ministry of Foreign Affairs reflects the nation’s greatness and its significant role in multilateral diplomacy at international arena, he stated.

According to him, foreign relations and diplomacy work should not be confined to the ministry or diplomats but needs to involve the community.

Thus, it is necessary to make diplomacy more comprehensive in order to create foreign relations that have redeemed the times, Nebiat added.

Ethiopia had a high reputation in the world before many Latin American, Caribbean, Asian and African countries became a country in the world, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Lencho Bati said on his part.

Throughout the long history of Ethiopia, the leaders of each generation have introduced Ethiopia to the world by creating strong diplomatic relations, he pointed out.

According to Lencho, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has played a crucial role in promoting green diplomacy through the Green Legacy initiative and enabling Ethiopia to join BRICS.

Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Djibouti,
Ambassador Berhanu Tsegaye added that Ethiopia’s diplomatic achievements recorded in the last five years are proof of the commitment of the leaders.

Yet Ethiopia should strengthen its global relations with other countries in order to reinforce its influence and acceptance in the region.

The Ethiopian ambassadors have visited the exhibition ‘From an African Hub to the World,’ which highlights Ethiopia’s 116-year diplomatic history and contemporary diplomatic accomplishments.

The exhibition at the Science Museum will remain open to public until February 2, 2024.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

KEETMANSHOOP: Kharas Governor Aletha Frederick has urged employees of the ||Kharas Regional Council to be punctual and to be productive as their behaviour affects inhabitants of the region.

Addressing a staff meeting of the Directorate of Education, Arts, and Culture on Monday, Frederick expressed her observations of council staff’s behaviour, saying some come to work late and leave early. She said their behaviour deprives inhabitants of the region of effective and efficient service delivery.

‘This government is not only for people in Windhoek, it is for all of us. You are here to serve the people at this level. It is our responsibility to make sure that government services are delivered to the best of our abilities. The minister or the executive director will not come and deliver those services to the people here, we are the ones to do it. There are rules to be followed, follow them,’ she said.

The governor also said while some employees struggle with punctuality, others are punctual, but they are not pro
ductive while at work.

‘Being a faithful servant is not only about coming to work early and leaving late, it’s about being productive, you should have goals at work that you tick off daily when achieved. That way you can be proud when you receive your salary, you cannot be happy to receive a salary you did absolutely nothing for,’ Frederick added.

Also speaking was ||Kharas Regional Council Chief Executive Officer Benedictus Diergaardt, who shared the governor’s sentiments. He urged employees to obey the rules and regulations of the Public Service Act, saying they should not forget the reason they are called public servants is because they should serve the people.

‘You are not doing anyone a favour by being here, you are here to work and in return we pay you a salary… Do your job because if you don’t, the community at large suffers,’ he stressed.

He called on the staff to work together, respect each other and support each other to the best of their abilities.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency