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President To Open Nyanza International Investment Conference

President Dr. William Ruto is expected to officially open the Nyanza International Investment Conference slated for June 28th-29th 2024.

The two-day conference to be held in Kisumu will bring together local and international investors, national and county government officials and the private sector to explore investment opportunities in the region.

Information, Communications and the Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary(CS) Eliud Owalo said the head of State will lead a team of local and international investors to explore the region’s untapped potential.

The conference, according to Owalo will unpack the existing and potential development challenges and turn them into investable opportunities for the investors.

The CS said the conference was in line with the government’s directive to promote public private partnerships (PPP) to spur investments and grow the economy.

Among the areas to be exploited include infrastructure, technology, health, agriculture and infrastructure.

Governors from the six Nyanza coun
ties of Kisumu, Siaya, Migori, Homa Bay, Kisii and Nyamira counties will be at hand to sign pacts with the potential investors.

Some of the key projects among them the Koru-Soin dam and the Lake Victoria ring road will be showcased to the investors as the government moves to scale up Public Private Partnerships (PPP).

The ring road whose design has been completed and approved, runs along the lake from Busia to Migori on the border of Kenya and Tanzania.

The CS said will open up the Nyanza region for trade and investment, hence creating job opportunities for the youth.

The CS said the drive to scale up PPP was gaining momentum disclosing that the Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Water Zacharia Njeru has opened negotiations with investors from Indonesia to fund the construction of the Koru-Soin dam.

‘The CS for water has just returned from Indonesia, where he has negotiated a PPP with investors. This is going to unlock funding to complete the project which has stalled,’ he said.

The dam designed to abstract wat
er from upstream River Nyando was at the heart of the Kenya Kwanza government to contain flooding in Nyando, generate electricity and scale up distribution of potable water in Kisumu and Kericho counties.

Speaking after attending a church service at St. Christopher ACK church Koru in Kisumu County, Owalo asked residents of the region to support President Ruto, whom he said has demonstrated willingness to unlock development in the area.

‘For the first time since independence, we have a president who is committed to the development of this region and we must give him full support,’ he said.

His sentiments were echoed by the Kenya’s Ambassador to Egypt Fred Outa, who said Dr. Ruto’s commitment has been demonstrated through the key appointments made from the region.

The head of state, he said has made 138 appointments in different cadres from the region, a feat no other government has reached.

The positions include a Cabinet slot, two Principal Secretary (PS) slots, three ambassadorial slots, as well as othe
r appointments to parastatals and regional development agencies.

‘We must thank the president for remembering us. He has given us 138 appointments yet we don’t owe him anything,’ he said.

Kisumu Senator Prof. Tom Ojienda asked the community to desist from politics of division and work with the government to unlock development in the area.

‘This region has lagged behind in development for many years. We must now embrace and work with the government of the day to unlock development,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency