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Residents Asked To Move To Safer Grounds Because Of Landslides

Nandi County Commissioner Caroline Nzwili has called on residents living in landslides prone areas in Tinderet Sub-County to move to safer grounds as the region continues to experience enhanced rains according to the meteorological department report.

Commissioner Nzwili warned that the locals should not wait for disaster to happen but comply with government directive and keep off hot spot landslide hills in the Sub-County.

Speaking during public participation on the affordable housing draft at Kapsabet High School, the County Commissioner insisted that chiefs and their assistants have been directed to ensure residents in landslide prone areas are moved to safer locations.

‘Let us comply with our chiefs and take necessary actions as the region continues To receive heavy rains,’ Commissioner Nzwili said.

She also asked parents to ensure the safety of children as they open schools, especially those using makeshift bridges to reach their schools across the county.

The County commissioner said the County Gove
rnment disaster preparedness team, National Government Administrative Officers are closely monitoring landslides prone areas, flush floods along rivers, water fill up mines and quarries as areas of urgent attention as the schools open on Monday.

While speaking on Friday at the launch of County Bursary Fund in Aldai, Nandi County Stephen Sang said residents living in landslide prone hills in Tinderet Sub-County will receive avocado and coffee seedlings to make those farms productive as they locate to safer zones, Sang said.

‘We are going to ensure those Tinderet Hills known for landslides remain avocado and coffee rich areas for the locals even though not fit habitation’

Both leaders pleaded with locals to be careful even though the county hasn’t experience damages caused by rains as the case in various parts of the country.

On the affordable housing draft, the county commissioner asked those attending the public participation forum to enrich themselves with affordable housing information and pass it to th
e locals who have little or no knowledge at all.

Nzwili asked the locals to support the affordable housing agenda since some locals had secured employment working on Emgwen Constituency affordable housing project with proposed 220 units when they are completed in September.

Officials from affordable housing Nairobi had met county housing stakeholders, chiefs, church representatives, civil society groups and marginalised groups in Kapsabet Boys School hall to discuss and give their deliberations on the proposed affordable house draft.

Source: Kenya News Agency