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General 2023-11-13 00:00:00

Security A Priority To Kenyans As Thousands Of Trees Planted

The government has reinstated 20 National Police Reservists (NPR) in Saku Constituency in Marsabit County who were disarmed when measures were taken to streamline the service. Interior and National Administration Principal Secretary Dr. Raymond Omollo also announced that newly created administrative units in the country as well as national administrative posts that have fallen vacant were being processed. Dr. Omollo directed the county security team headed by County Commissioner Nobert Komora to execute the order without delay saying the government was keen at sustaining the achieved peace and tranquility in the county. The PS also asked administrative officers to serve wananchi with humility and farness to enable them articulate and implement government policies with ease. He assured the leadership and residents of Marsabit led by Governor Mohamed Ali that recruitment and deployment of NPR was in progress and would be executed once the process is finalized as promised by the Interior CS Kithure Kindiki
when he toured the county early this year. The PS who led in planting 10,000 trees at the Mt Marsabit forest’s Hulahula beat pointed out that only a sustained effort in planting and nurturing trees could enable the country to effectively tickle the danger posed by the climate change monster. He noted that the growing of 15 billion trees by 2032 that would also enable the country to attain a 30 per cent forest cover was a deliberate move by President Ruto to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. Dr. Omollo lauded the strides so far made by the stakeholders in enriching the tree cover in Marsabit County which he said should be enhanced if the set targets were to be achieved. ‘We as government are concerned about the frequency of droughts being experienced in the country and especially here in Marsabit and this underscores the need for us to make growing of trees a farming activity for progress,’ he said. The PS further directed that the establishment of tree nurseries at the locational level be
speeded up in order to make tree seedlings available for planting by residents throughout the year. Governor Mohamed Ali called on communities of Marsabit to continue coexisting in peace their ethnic inclinations not withstanding saying that was the only way that development could continue being be realized. Governor Ali cautioned that climate change was a threat to not only development but humanity as the recent severe drought nearly wiped out all livestock, the major source of livelihood for local pastoralist communities and thanked President Ruto for starting the tree growing initiative. The governor said his administration would start an award winning process on tree planting and protection as the devolved unit strives to meet a tree growing target of two billion by the year 2032.’Each of our 20 wards would be tasked with raising and growing 10,000 trees every year and we shall reward those with outstanding performance,’ said the governor. He also echoed the need by the national government to reinstat
e the National Police Reservists in order to boost the work of the law enforcement agents in tackling crime especially livestock theft. Governor Ali also called on the reduction of police barriers on the Moyale-Marsabit- Isiolo highway which elected leaders including Members of the County Assembly termed too many. The roadblock issue came up first during the Mashujaa day celebrations in Moyale town with leaders led by the County Woman Representative Naomi Wako saying the number was too high in addition to the normal traffic police enforcement check points which consumed time for motorists and travelers. This, the leaders argued, was not only aiding the problem of human and drug trafficking but fueling corruption. There was combined effort by stakeholders who included the KFS, KWS, NEMA, Water Tower Authority, the Ministry of Forestry and Environment and the county government in sourcing for the seedlings and mobilizing the members of the public to participate in the exercise.

Source: Kenya News Agency