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Senate Committee Set To Inspect Development Projects In Proposed Eldoret City

The Senate Committee on Devolution and Inter-Governmental Relations is set to make an inspection tour of various mega multi-million shillings infrastructural facilities with Eldoret town that is currently seeking conferment of city status.

The Wajir Senator Sheikh Abbas-led committee is expected to inspect the Central Business District fire station, the ongoing renovation of Kipchoge Keino stadium to an international sports complex, and the street lighting and road upgrading projects within Eldoret Town.

Eldoret Municipality Board Chairman Julius Kitur said other flagship projects the committee is expected to inspect include the completed Sh. 15 million rehabilitation of the Sosiani River and refurbished Eldoret arboretum project situated along the Eldoret-Iten highway.

Kitur expressed optimism that the cosmopolitan town that is North Rift’s largest commercial hub will attain the city status it deserves as it was long overdue.

Kitur observed that Eldoret Municipality has fulfilled all the legal requirements to merit being elevated into a city. ‘Those peddling lies and other innuendos that we have not met some requirements are behind the news, and we urge the residents to dismiss the claims and treat them as mere propaganda,’ said Kitur.

Kitur stated that by being granted city status, Eldoret town will not only lead to the establishment of new business ventures but also increase revenue streams that spur economic growth in the region.

Eldoret Municipality has been pushing to be made the fifth city after Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, and Kisumu. In May this year, Uasin Gishu Assembly approved a report from an ad hoc committee recommending the conferment of Eldoret Municipality to City status.

Other projects the Uasin Gishu County government has been undertaking in anticipation of the town’s new status are the improvement of drainage systems and the dumping site.

The town’s hope of achieving its dream was boosted after Senate Speaker Amason Kingi stated during the just-concluded devolution conference that the Senate will consider a resolution by Uasin Gishu County Assembly to confer city status to Eldoret Municipality.

‘I referred the resolution by the Uasin Gishu County assembly to the Standing Committee on Devolution and Inter-Governmental Relations for consideration,’ said Kingi.

If approved by the Senate, the report will be forwarded to President William Ruto to grant the town a city charter.

Eldoret Town is also set to get its largest retail markets situated within the Central Business District once the Sh. 6 billion project funded by the National Government is completed within the next two years.

Last week Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii conducted a technical team from the Housing and Urban Development Department, led by director Dr. Charles K’Onyango for a site visit and presentation of an architectural design for the new 64 Retail Market.

The seven-story building will accommodate more than 10,000 traders and is expected to operate on a 24-hour basis.

President William Ruto ordered the construction of the market following violent protests that led to the closure of the then Champions Market, displacing more than 1,000 fresh produce traders.

Source: Kenya News Agency