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Women Groups Benefit From New Ushanga Initiative Centre

Over 20 Women Groups benefitted from New Ushanga Initiative Centre in Narok Town that will increase their business potential and build their business capacity. Ushanga Women have reason to smile after the county government opened a new Ushanga Centre for their business in Narok Bus Park, Narok town. Addressing the press, the area governor’s wife Agnes Ntutu who is also the patron for the Ushanga Initiative Narok County, said women had gathered to celebrate a new milestone in their ushanga business with the opening of a new centre which would help them build capacity amongst themselves. ‘Today, we are gathered here to celebrate a new milestone in this ushanga business as we open this new center which would help promote this business and strengthen our women,’ said Ntutu. She expressed appreciation to the county government for dedicating the new Ushanga center for women to promote their art and advance their business. ‘The county government will support you in your businesses, and we will make sure you have a safe working environment in this place,’ said Ntutu. Ntutu lauded Ushanga women groups for the effort that are continuing to show towards Ushanga business, hence urging them to register cooperatives in order to enable them access funds. ‘This is good work you are doing especially in this industry, as you are playing a very important role in the economy of our county,’ she said. Pisoi Sonkoi, a nominated member of the county assembly said women deserve these shade centers in order for them to conduct their business without going through many challenges. ‘The county government is considering women, and that is why women are being included in this new development in the county, and through these women are going to be of benefit,’ said Sonkoi. Sonkoi said the county government is targeting to open such Ushanga centers in different parts of the county so as to ensure all women benefit with this initiative. On her part, Lorna Nkowua, the chairperson of the Maendeleo ya Wanawake Narok County, thanked the county government for the Ushanga center that would benefit women groups in the county, thus a major boost to women empowerment. ‘Women go through a lot in the Ushanga markets, today they have got the shade which would be of great benefit to them, it will prevent them from harsh climatic conditions,’ said Nkokua. Nkowua called on women to utilize the new opportunity and take the advantage of the market and not leave the space to be occupied by other businesses, thus it was meant for Ushanga purpose. Sarah Kudate urged the women to take advantage of the initiative and target even foreign markets for their beads. She lauded the county government for the efforts, saying that the Ushanga centre will be a major boost to the women who depend on Ushanga business. Rebecca Nkowua, the director of Ushanga initiative programme Narok, said one Ushanga shade has a space installed with tables and chairs that the women would use to carry on their businesses. She added that the station is also staffed with one teacher who has undergone training, and would help in educating the women in new designs and ensure that quality and high standards are met for the international market. Chairlady of Narok town ward Women group, Josephine Teeka encouraged women who are working in the ushanga industry to join groups so as to benefit from the initiatives and be able to use the allocated centres. ‘I would like to encourage all women in the industry to join the groups registered under the initiative so that they can be able to reap the benefits of the programme,’ said Teeka. She also encouraged the women to register Ushanga Cooperatives, which will enable them to access funding from the financial institutions.

Source: Kenya News Agency